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NILDS Journal of Democratic Studies Vol. 3 No. 2

dc.contributor.authorNational Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies
dc.descriptionThe Journal of Democratic Studies (NILDS-JDS) is published Bi-annually. For submission instructions, subscription and all other information visit or email Aims and Scope: The NILDS Journal of Democratic Studies (NILDS-JDS) wishes to attract submissions of high-quality research covering all areas of democracy and political governance. It encourages the submissions of original contributions or authoritative research surveys that advances knowledge about democracy, politics, society, international relations, and legislative studies. The journal is interdisciplinary in scope and welcomes full-length articles, policy analysis, book reviews and research notes that draw from, or can advance knowledge and practice of democracy and governance. NILDS-JDS also provides a forum for interaction between policy and practice on questions of governance, law, constitutionalism, policy making and Institutional development, in order to catalyse policy debates among scholars, researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders. Articles to be published must meet the highest intellectual standard and be at the cutting edge of research in their field, making worthwhile contributions to democratic theory and practice. NILDS-JDS will only consider publishing manuscripts that make a significant contribution from either a theoretical, empirical perspective or a blend of both approach in terms of originality, rigour and reach. In particular, we do not wish to publish manuscripts which replicate existing results and/or are limited in scope/applicability and thus more suitable to specialized field journals.en_US
dc.publisherNILDS-Department of Democracy and Governanceen_US
dc.subjectNational Assemblyen_US
dc.subjectNational Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studiesen_US
dc.subjectJournal of Democratic Studiesen_US
dc.titleNILDS Journal of Democratic Studies Vol. 3 No. 2en_US

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