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Political Party Administration and Good Governance in Nigerian: A Comparative Study of the Administrations of Donald Duke and Liyel Imoke in Cross River State (2003-2011)

dc.contributor.authorBisong, Hilary Ekpang
dc.description.abstractThis research, Political Party Administration and Good Governance in Nigeria: A comparative study of the administrations of Donald Duke and Liyel Imoke in Cross River State (2003-2011) tried to underscore a comparative analysis of Political Party Administration under the two Governors in Cross River State and how they contributed to good governance. The two administrations used different governmental approaches which resulted into different outcomes. During the era of Governor Duke, the general perception was one of relative depersonalization in party administration where the Governor demonstrated limited control over party activities. On the contrary, during the administration of Governor Imoke, the dynamics of party administration showed authoritarianism and was laced with imposition as the Governor suddenly became the Exchequer of PDP in the State. This study seeks to examine the democratic status of Political Party Administration in Cross River State during the period under review, examine the effect of lack of effective Political Party Administration and executive interference on governance in Cross River State, and examine ways by which Political Party Administration can be strengthened to ensure good governance in Cross River State. This work acquainted the reader with the knowledge of what political party administration and good governance is and how this could help in consolidating democracy in Nigeria. The relevant of this study is that it will also help provide more solutions to the challenges of political party administration and good governance in which the country has found herself. This study used both quantitative and qualitative research designs for reliability and validation of data. Primary and secondary data were gathered through structured questionnaire, interviews and secondary materials. Marxian political economy theory was used in examining the issues. Hypotheses were tested using Pearson Correlation Moment. Findings from the study showed that elites hijacked the process for personal ambition. It also revealed that despite the differences in governance, the orientation of the two governors in the state, the nature and manner of the parties’ activities have negatively affected good governance mostly due to lack of party administration and internal democracy. The study recommended drastic reformation of political parties to make them amenable to good governance and deepening of democracy, among other constructive input in Nigeria. In this respect, political parties should discourage the practice of private or sole sponsorship of candidates to elective offices; separate party structures from the control of state governors and ensure that party manifesto is imbibe in structuring government policy.en_US
dc.publisherNILDS-Department of Studiesen_US
dc.titlePolitical Party Administration and Good Governance in Nigerian: A Comparative Study of the Administrations of Donald Duke and Liyel Imoke in Cross River State (2003-2011)en_US

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