Nigerian Journal of Legislative Affairs Vol. 9 No. 2

National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (2020-01)

Working Paper

The NJLA is Published Bi-annually. For submission instructions, subscription and all other information visit: or email Aims and Scopes: The NJLA wishes to attract submissions of high quality research covering all areas of legislative matters ad encourages the submission of original contributions, or authoritative surveys, in the fields of policy analysis, national development, representation (both theory and applied) and law making. Consistent with the strategic aim of enhancing the international standing of the journal to a general readership, we will only consider publishing manuscripts that make a significant contribution from either a theoretical or empirical perspective, in terms of originality, rigour and reach, in particular, we do not wish to publish manuscripts which replicate existing result and/or are limited in scope/applicability and thus more suitable to specialized field journal.