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The Role of the Legislative Drafter in Drafting Legislative Agenda for the Legislature: A Case Study of the 9th National Assembly

dc.contributor.authorOkoli, Chidi Maxwell
dc.description.abstractThe success of every Legislative body depends largely on the conception of a legislative vision, setting out clearly defined legislative goals, adequate planning, and implementation of the said goals. Prior to the birth of the 8th Assembly, the underperformance of the legislature in Nigeria has resulted from the absence of such clearly defined goals, and a body charged with the responsibility of the effective implementation. On the other hand, since the introduction of the first Legislative Agenda in the US congress in the 1970’s and the Office of the Parliamentary Council in the UK in 1896, Congress and parliament have been effective, result oriented and have continued to work with precision in attaining defined and clearly set out legislative goals. This research therefore, aims at examining the institutional foundations of agenda-setting in legislative houses. This research which adopted the doctrinal approach, critically considered the roles of the legislative drafter in the drafting of legislative agenda with a case study of the 9th National Assembly. The research found that the legislative drafter is not given a pride of place in the formulation and drafting of legislative agenda. On the contrary, the political party in power and in the majority in the National Assembly usually dominate what agenda the legislature pursues and adopts. The research recommends that the legislative drafter be made an integral part of the process of agenda setting and drafting. Chapter one of this research touches on the background to the study, statement of the research problem, aims and objectives of the study. In addition, it highlights the significance of the study, the literature review, research methodology. Chapter two of this research work encompasses the conceptual clarification/ foundation, historical framework and development. Chapter three deals with the subject of legislative drafter and the drafting of legislative agenda proper. This discussion encapsulates issues such as key players in the making of legislative agenda, examines the role of the legislative drafter in drafting legislative agenda and a case study of the implementation of the legislative agenda of the 9th National Assembly. Chapter four of the research takes a comparative analysis of drafting legislative agenda in other jurisdictions particularly in the United Kingdom, the United State of America and the European Parliament. Finally, chapter five of the research work provides a summary, a conclusion and makes some important recommendation for a better articulation, incubation, implementation and monitoring of legislative agenda in Nigeria. The chapter also stated the research’s contribution to knowledge and suggestions for further studies.en_US
dc.publisherNILDS-Department of Studiesen_US
dc.subjectLegislative Agendaen_US
dc.subjectNational Assemblyen_US
dc.subjectLegislative draftingen_US
dc.titleThe Role of the Legislative Drafter in Drafting Legislative Agenda for the Legislature: A Case Study of the 9th National Assemblyen_US

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