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E-Government Implementation in Nigeria: Building a New Paradigm for Public Trust

dc.contributor.authorAbdulkareem, Abdulrazaq Kayode
dc.contributor.authorIshola, Abdulrasaq Ajadi,
dc.contributor.authorOmolabi, Issa
dc.description.abstractThis study investigated how the online delivery of public services (e-government) has impacted public trust in the Nigerian government. This was done using an electronic survey conducted with 13,743 users of online government services. The study found that that electronic public service delivery had (t = -4.73, p < 0.05) significant effect on public trust in Nigeria. However, the practical significance as the t obtained -4.73 is greater than t critical value -4.303 under 2 degree of freedom at 5% significance level. This difference further implies that significant effect existed between service delivery and public confidence with practical difference from the null value. Stemming from this finding, the study concluded that the significant positive relationship is established between electronic public service delivery and trust in government and it could catalyse the promotion of trust in the Nigerian government.en_US
dc.publisherDepartment of Democratic Governanceen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNILDS Journal of Democratic Studies;Vol. 2
dc.subjectPublic Trusten_US
dc.subjectPublic Service Deliveryen_US
dc.titleE-Government Implementation in Nigeria: Building a New Paradigm for Public Trusten_US

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