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Legislative Oversight and Accountability, A Study of the 8th Senate Committees on Power, Works and Housing (2015-2019)

dc.contributor.authorChukwunyere, Ebonugwu Chijioke
dc.description.abstractThe National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is widely perceived by the public to be inept in the area of legislative oversight. This study understand the basis for this reputation, by identifying the problems associated with oversight performance through revisiting the origins of legislative practice in Nigeria particularly, the activities of the Senate Committee son Power, Works and Housing’ (2015-2019) are thoroughly probed. By utilizing data from interviews, in addition to copious evidence derived from previous studies in the field. It is apparent that effective legislative oversight is a precursory measure to the attainment of good governance goals. A series of events placed the Eight National Assembly in the sportlight of a rising conversation on oversight performance. Constitutional issues, budget delays and poor performance , inconclusiveness of high profile investigation into corrupt practices and breach of public trust and the unsavory role of some legislators in managing the crises are some of the serious issues examined. Findings were laid out in an analytical manner, coming to the conclusion that the performance of oversight functions can only translate to socio-economic benefits for Nigerians if and when sections of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria are amended, when legislators are the inventive in advancing the national interest over self-interest and political party affiliations, Also, maximum cooperation from the executive arm of government will make it a realisable dreamen_US
dc.publisherNILDS-Department of Studiesen_US
dc.titleLegislative Oversight and Accountability, A Study of the 8th Senate Committees on Power, Works and Housing (2015-2019)en_US

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