Development Implications of Morocco’s Membership of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

Opakunbi, Oyedamade Tope ; Ogu, Michael Ihuoma (2020)


The membership application of Morocco to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in February 2017; one month after returning to the African Union (AU) following over three decades, has continued to generate arguments. This study adopted the expository design to appraise the development implications, for Nigeria particularly and West Africa in general, of Morocco’s membership of ECOWAS. The study confirmed that Morocco’s membership in ECOWAS would pose a significant challenge to the influence of Nigeria in the bloc. It concluded that Morocco’s membership of ECOWAS would not only be unique but may translate to increased development in the sub-region. The study however recommended that while ECOWAS should not be in a hurry to accept Morocco’s membership, Morocco, for the time being, should focus on its involvement with the AU, work to revive the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), while maintaining already established economic ties with West African states.
