Now showing items 1-10 of 54
Administration of Cabotage Vessel Financing Funds (CVVF) in Nigeria: Issues for Legislative Consideration
(Department of Economic and Social Research, 2018-09)
Appraisal of FOI Act: Need for Legislative Amendment
(Department of Economic and Social Research, 2018-02)
Calling Legislative attention to salient issues arising from the CBN Monetary Policy Committee meeting of 25th and 26th March, 2019
(Department of Economic and Social Research, 2019-04)
Appraisal of the Federal Inland Revenue Service Establishment Act 2007: Need for Legislative Amendment
(Department of Economic and Social Research, 2018-01)
Are Deposit Money Banks’ Credit to SMEs Enough to Stimulate Economic Growth in Nigeria? Issues for Legislative Consideration
(Department of Economic and Social Research, 2018-02)
Appraisal of the performance of the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP): How far so far?
(National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies National Assembly, 2018-05)
There is evident work in progress to ensure that the ERGP succeeds. Positive results are already manifesting in key economic indices such as real GDP growth year on year, growth in foreign reserves, and downward trend in ...
Examining the fragments and causes of increasing out-of-school children in Nigeria
(Journal of African Studies and Development, 2021)
In spite of various policy initiatives and institutional frameworks, a good number of school-age children roam the streets of Nigeria. Nigeria unduly tops the rank in the total number of out-of-school children in the global ...
(CJSMS, 2021)
The legislature as First Estate of the realm represents citizens and sovereignty. It makes
the law, serve as checks on the activities of the executive (oversight) and represent the
citizens in constituencies. The ...
Appraisal of FOI Act: Need for Legislative Amendment
(National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies National Assembly, 2018-02)
This brief seeks to review the FOI Act with a view to propose an amendment to the Act
thereby strengthening and make it complementary to other strategies designed to
reinforce accountability and transparency in the public ...