Resource Competence and Committee Effectiveness: Case Study of Selected Committees in the Senate and House of Representatives, 2015-2019

Muri, Abubakar Sale (2020-06)


While studies on legislative resource competence agree that a positive relationship exists between resource competence and legislative effectiveness, that is, that legislatures are more effective when adequately resourced; only limited studies have in reality examined the relationship between resource competence and committee effectiveness. Hence, this study was designed to investigate the effects of resource competence on legislative effectiveness. The study objectives were to examine the resource competence of the National Assembly, explore whether resource competence of the National Assembly affect legislative effectiveness, and examine the resource capacity challenges encountered by the National Assembly and its committees. The study was essentially a qualitative study. It utilized the case study approach involving three selected committees. The study employed data from interviews with 14 selected purposively consisting of legislators, Committee staff; staff of relevant government ministries; and staff of civil society organizations. The study found that there has been a significant improvement in the facilities and infrastructural bases of the NASS, particularly in the areas of physical infrastructures (e.g. office accommodation, library facilities, especially its collections/holdings); the quantity and quality of staff of the National Assembly in terms of trainings and qualifications of legislators and NASS staff. In addition, the study found that legislative activities of the National Assembly and its committees yielded positive output and outcome which directly contributed to law making and good governance. Lastly, the study observed that the National Assembly and its committees were challenged by several factors such as high turnover rate, inadequate resources for committee activities, etc. The recommendation of the study were; that the National Assembly committees should be provided with adequate institutional, technical, human and financial resources to enable committees perform optimally. Second, that competent legislative aides should be hired and more trainings for aides and staff; and lastly, legislators should cultivate the will to perform their functions without expecting personal and undue reward or gains.