Examining the effect of Poor Funding of Capital Projects on the Welfare of Citizens with particular Reference to Kagara Dam in Niger State

Ijeoma, Chikwem (2021-06)


For Democracy to be evident in any Country ,there must be separation of power, adherence to the rule of law and supremacy of the constitution . There are basically two (2) types of governance system in the world namely; Parliamentary and Presidential system. The presidential system of government being practiced in Nigeria makes provision for separation of powers, apportioning disparate powers and duties to the executive, legislative and judicial arms of government. The doctrine of the separation of powers implies that there should be three separate organs of government with their separate sets of functions and powers. Essentially, the legislature as a symbol of true democracy, makes laws which the executive is under obligation to implement (Akinsanya, 2002). The judiciary is legally called upon in the determination of civil rights and obligations to interpret the laws. This system of government understands from the onset that powers may be abused and therefore introduced a system that guarantees checks and balances amongst the three arms of government (Bertanffy, 1968). This doctrine empowers each tier to carry out its constitutional duties without fear or favour and also checks the excesses of one another.