Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Mace in Parliamentary Proceedings as Symbol of Authority of the National Assembly, Abuja: 2015 – 2020

Musa, Dan Ringshak (2022-05)


The use of the Mace in the National Assembly was faced with challenges due to inadequate protection which led to Mace snatching and consequently, brought parliamentary proceedings to a sudden halt. The snatching of the Mace was done by aggrieved politicians in order to disrupt bill consideration, to remove the presiding officer or on political ground. The specific objectives examined relationship between the Mace and parliamentary proceedings, examined specific roles of the Mace during parliamentary proceedings, analyzed the relationship between Mace snatching and parliamentary proceedings and assessed the effectiveness of the Mace during parliamentary proceedings. The methods used to achieve the specific objectives was the survey method where questionnaires were distributed. The Chi-Square was used to achieve objectives one (i) and two (ii) while objectives three (iii) and four (iv), the Likert scales was used to test the hypotheses. The following major findings were revealed. Firstly, it was mandatory for the Mace to be in the chamber in order for bills to be enacted into laws. Secondly, Mace played a vital role during parliamentary proceedings as it was the only power and authority of the parliament. Thirdly, Mace snatching during parliamentary proceedings was a serious challenge to the National Assembly. Fourthly, the effectiveness of the Mace was paramount to the legislators and so it should be given proper protection by the Sergeant-At-Arms. The study recommended that the Mace must constantly be in the chamber and on the upper bracket during parliamentary proceedings to allow for bills consideration and law making to be possible, the Mace played a significant role in the chamber, as such the study recommended that it should be considered as the only power and authority of the legislature, the study also recommended that there was the need for the legislators to enact law(s) which would be implemented to guide against Mace snatching and ethical standards with spelt out penalties against persons who were involved in Mace snatching should be put in place to guide against future occurrence. There was the need to include some negative rewards like life imprisonment, outright removal from office, being banned from holding further political offices and tried for treason if it was proven by a competent court of law that such a person was involved in Mace snatching. Finally, the study recommended that the effectiveness of the Mace should be brought to the knowledge of the legislators at the point of entry into the National Assembly especially during orientation or inauguration.