Browsing Masters Theses by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 126
Assessing the Oversight Role of The Senate in The Education Sector, 2015-2019
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2019-11)Despite the importance of education to human capital development and national development, particularly, providing skilled manpower to a Nation, improve life’s choices and the quality of living, the Education in Nigeria ... -
Nigeria’s Federalism and the Implementation of the Child Rights Act 2003
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020)This study “Nigeria’s Federalism and the Implementation of the Child Rights Act 2003”, examined the burden of federalism imperatives on the implementation of the Child Rights Act 2003. The objectives of the study were to, ... -
Legislative Committees: Windows for Parliamentary Openness and Public Participation
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-01)This study investigated the level of openness in the 8th National Assembly, the level of public participation, challenges of the Nigerian 8th National Assembly and recommended practicable solutions to the challenges ... -
Public Perception of the National Assembly and Legislators Turnover in the Fourth Republic’
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-01)This study examines the perception/image problem of the National Assembly and the high turnover rate of legislators which has been a worrisome issue for the legislature in the Fourth Republic. (1999-2019). Turnover is the ... -
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-03)Despite 20 years of democratic experience, Nigeria’s democracy is bequeathed with challenges with the tendency to recede just like in many African countries. The problems stem from lack of free and fair elections, insecurity, ... -
Legislative Coalitions as Tools of National Development: A Study of the Legislative Network for Universal Health Coverage in Nigeria
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-03)The study was undertaken to evaluate how legislative coalitions can act as catalysts in sustainable national development to improve outcomes of public sector operations, particularly access to affordable, quality ... -
Assessment of the Performance of the National Assembly in Strengthening Democracy in Nigeria: A Study of the 8th Assembly
(2020-03)The study was designed to examine the extent of the effects of the role of the 8th National Assembly in strengthening Nigeria’s democracy. Therefore, it sought to; identify the roles of the legislature in a democracy, ... -
The Role of Regional Parliaments in Economic Integration: A Study of the ECOWAS Parliament
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-03)Countries of the world including the industrialised economies, such as United State of America, Germany etc. have sought to come under one form of regional integration or the other, the goal is to achieve regional economic ... -
Effects of Activities of the 8th Senate Committee on Media & Public Affairs on An Enhanced Legislative Service Delivery
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-03)This study examines the Effects of Activities of the 8th Senate Committee on Media and Public Affairs on an Enhanced Legislative Service Delivery of the National Assembly Senate with a view to finding out the relationship ... -
Investigation of Performance of Parliamentary Staff Support Services to the National Assembly
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-03)The study investigated the performance of the support services by parliamentary administra-tors. It identified the roles of parliamentary staff support in the National Assembly; examined the extent of the performance of ... -
Executive-Legislative Conflicts in Nigeria: A Comparative Study of the 7th and 8th National Assemblies
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-03)This study examined comparative, executive-legislative conflicts in the Nigeria's 7th and 8th National Assemblies. It investigated the factors responsible for the pattern of executive-legislative conflicts in Nigeria in ... -
The Legislature and the Budget Process: A Case Study of Borno State House of Assembly
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-03)This study “The Legislature and the Budget Process: A Case Study of Borno State House of Assembly”, was designed to assess the impact of the role of Borno State House of Assembly in the budget process. Thus, while the ... -
Resource Competence and Committee Effectiveness: Case Study of Selected Committees in the Senate and House of Representatives, 2015-2019
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-06)While studies on legislative resource competence agree that a positive relationship exists between resource competence and legislative effectiveness, that is, that legislatures are more effective when adequately resourced; ... -
Swot Analysis of Yobe State House of Assembly: A Case Study of the Committee on Social Development and Women Affairs
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-06)The study designed to investigate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Yobe State House of Assembly Committee on Social Development and Women Affairs, identified the functions of the Committee on Social ... -
The Role of Political Parties in Enhancing Women’s Representation in Nigeria’s National Assembly
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-07)This study was designed to examine the characteristics of political parties that could be conducive to women legislative representation in Nigeria’s National Assembly from 1999 to 2019. The objectives of the study were to: ... -
A Study of Executive-Legislature Relationship in the Budget Process of the 7th and 8th Nigeria’s National Assembly
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-07)The 1999 Constitution (CFRN) as amended assigned roles and responsibilities to the Executives and the Legislature in the budget and process. The Executive prepares the budget, submit and implement same, while the Legislature ... -
The National Assembly and Public Health Care in Nigeria
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-07)The health sector in Nigeria has been characterized by poor public health care services. The broad objective of the study was to examine the roles, effects and challenges of the National Assembly towards public health care ... -
Legislative Ethics and Corruption in Nigeria’s House of Representatives 2003 and 2015
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-08)Legislative ethics is pivotal to guiding the conduct of legislators in combating corruption in any legislature. This study examines the effects of ethical standards in guiding the conduct of legislators to averting ... -
Legislative Oversight and Accountability, A Study of the 8th Senate Committees on Power, Works and Housing (2015-2019)
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-09)The National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is widely perceived by the public to be inept in the area of legislative oversight. This study understand the basis for this reputation, by identifying the problems ... -
Assessment Of The Contributions Of Committee On Appropriation Of The 8th Assembly On Budget Scrutiny
(NILDS-Department of Studies, 2020-10)Parliamentary Budget Scrutiny has been a burning issue since the advent of the fourth Republic in 1999. Several reasons have been adduced for poor performance of the Committee on Appropriation that are saddled with the ...